Back in ‘96 when Mosaic Marketing opened its doors, its core competency was strategic planning and bringing together the perfect dream-team to execute the strategic plan. So, an identity comprised of mosaic pieces made sense. After moving the firm to New York City in 2001, just one week before the tragedy of 9-11, the event led to a shift in business mission and a transition into the non-profit sector — specifically, organizations that focused on helping women and youth in crises, both at home and abroad.
It was during this time that Mosaic’s founder Susan (Sorensen) Langer eventually went client-side at a major non-profit organization, and for the 14 years that followed she gathered the vast experiences that would eventually lead her to relaunch her business and evolve it into something far richer and unique.
When Susan reopened her doors, her instinct was to reuse the identity she started with, given there was equity in it. But, it just didn’t speak to the changes in her business’ mission, which was to “create collaborative environments among stakeholders in order to organically blend people and plans, resulting in defined purpose and clarity of focus: many voices, one story”. And to achieve this mission, Susan changed her business name to Mosaic Mindshare and created a proprietary creative process for her clients in which the end product reveals a common vision — or voice — to inform consensual, strategic action.
For this, Mosaic needed a new identity that would set the stage to tell Mosaic’s story.
Fuego Design understands that a strong identity should not only be memorable, but meaningful. The M-mark made up of mosaic tiles now represents the unique voices that comprise the client’s goals, with the counter space in the M-mark representing the common story that ultimately directs their strategy.